lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

Legend of Costa Rica

The CeguaSegua or Tzegua

The Cegua, Segua or Tzegua is a popular belief that appears to adulterers or lascivious men traveling alone on deserted roads, it takes the form of a beautiful woman.žAfter the victim agrees to take her on his horse (old version) or car (modern version) face is transformed into a horse skull with rotting flesh, with flashing eyes and breath odor of decomposition.
žIn this way the philandering men learn their lesson ...

žIt is described as a very pretty young, white (or brown, depending on the version), oval face, big black eyes, long curly hair, black and beautiful mouth, lips red as blood, with a divine voice that lulls as siren, and pronounced body, slender and tempting curves. He is dressed in full black or white and sometimes with a flowing pink dress, and other versions, with a luxurious vintage dress.

Girl divine voice cooing like a siren song, but that does not face having hellish mare. Falls in love with her ​​cooing to men who walk lonely roads. It has death on his lips and kissing kills. Has anyone seen her bathing in the river and mane comb with a gold blade .

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