miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

Tell a story-Past tense

In my House

Many years ago when I was little going to attend a birthday party with my cousin. That day I was very happy with the party and my cousin invited my best friend to the party. But it came a little accident and was when he was coming to my house. I forward to open the door of my house when I fell on it. 

At that moment I felt a sharp pain in my arm. My parents did not knowwhen they came to do. Minutes later they had to take me to the hospital there and it realizedthat I had a fracture in my left elbow. So they had to plaster bandage for a month for the bone to heal. What hurt me was that I could not go to the party of my cousin, but he has always been rather like my earring and I'm a candy party.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

Legend of Costa Rica

The CeguaSegua or Tzegua

The Cegua, Segua or Tzegua is a popular belief that appears to adulterers or lascivious men traveling alone on deserted roads, it takes the form of a beautiful woman.žAfter the victim agrees to take her on his horse (old version) or car (modern version) face is transformed into a horse skull with rotting flesh, with flashing eyes and breath odor of decomposition.
žIn this way the philandering men learn their lesson ...

žIt is described as a very pretty young, white (or brown, depending on the version), oval face, big black eyes, long curly hair, black and beautiful mouth, lips red as blood, with a divine voice that lulls as siren, and pronounced body, slender and tempting curves. He is dressed in full black or white and sometimes with a flowing pink dress, and other versions, with a luxurious vintage dress.

Girl divine voice cooing like a siren song, but that does not face having hellish mare. Falls in love with her ​​cooing to men who walk lonely roads. It has death on his lips and kissing kills. Has anyone seen her bathing in the river and mane comb with a gold blade .

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014


Come visit Costa Rica

You should to visit Costa Rica. It is a small country located in American Center. It is a beautiful place. Here you can see many rivers inhabited by many animals such as fish, crocodiles, and turtles. You can visit volcanoes as: “Poás”, “Irazú”, “Turrialba”, and “Arenal”. I recommend visiting the beaches, mountains and hills. It is a good country. The people in Costa Rica are very courteous, honest and friendly. Costa Rica has about five million inhabitants.

I recommend eating the “gallo pinto” because; it is a typical food of Costa Rica. This food is created based on rice, black beans, Worcestershire sauce, onion, cilantro and chili chopped. This food is used as a traditional breakfast of many people. Also the other types of typical food that used the agriculture, for example: the “chifrijo” that is a new typical food created in San José. In this food you should using ingredients as tender beans, chopped tomato, greaves and avocado. This food is delicious and it’s a good value for the money.
I advise you to go the beaches in: Guanacaste and Puntarenas. In Guanacaste, you can visit “Africa Mía” where there zebras, giraffes, gazelles and other animals of Africa. I’d recommend going to beaches as: “Coco, Nacascol, Naranjo,”, or white sand beaches as: “Playa Penca”, “Conchal”, etc. In Puntarenas, you can see the whales and dolphins. You can visit “Manuel Antonio”, “Tivives”, “Tambor”, etc. It is a beautiful place and it has more animals like monkeys, butterflies, iguanas, etc. I most recommend going to the beach because; you can watch the sunset.

The methods to transportation are the car or bus, and more people using the train but, the train doesn’t work for all regions the Costa Rica. The Holiday important in Costa Rica is date of virgin of angels. In this date more people walked to the “Basilica de los Angeles” for to visit or keep a promise. Others date important in Costa Rica is the independence, the Christmas and the New Year.

I recommend buying tickets for to see the National Symphony. It is very nice and relaxing. I urge you to go to the Gold Museum. In this place, you can see the history of Costa Rica, also it see pieces created by the indigenous in gold. If you have kids, you can visit the Children's Museum. In this place there are many spaces where children can play, watch fish, see dinosaurs. They also have helicopters, airplanes, and many more games. Another museum to visit is the National Museum, in this place you will see on the history and culture of Costa Rica. Costa Rica is very nice. It is a beautiful place to visit and you will not regret to visit this country.