lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

E-Magazine 3

Money can’t make you happy

Money is very important in the lives of people used to buy many things. This is very used by people to buy homes, cars, technological gadgets like phones, tablets, computers, etc. Likewise, the money helps us to have more comfort and improves our quality of life. But there is a big problematic when people become ambitious and who believe that money can solve all his life and ignore the important things. So I think that money can’t buy everything in life, let alone happiness. The following will detail things which money can’t buy in life and that they can’t obtain happiness.

The first thing that money can’t buy is love. Starting with the love of a couple that look after you, pamper you and love you for who you are and not for your money. Many people who have lots of money within a couple found only interested in what you can give them, this creates the world becomes materialistic and do not know the person by his feelings, strengths and weaknesses. In turn, the money can’t buy a family as though you have the money you'll never be able to buy the time to raise your children, know, live each stage of their lives. Many people believe that buying the best gifts is able to offset this, but they are very wrong, because nothing compares to the sincere and selfless love of a family. This is something that money can’t buy, and therefore not achieve your happiness.

The second thing you can do with money is to get health and life. Many people have to be in hospital with serious diseases which often have no cure, as they have diseases as the AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc. There are also lots of people on waiting lists because they need someone else to serve as an organ donor as heart, kidney, liver, cornea, tissue, intestines, etc. And many of them die waiting for a donation. You may currently exist if black markets trade in organs but by unlawful means, within legal means is often impossible to cover the large number of people in need and who die waiting for an organ. So I think that health is not the purchase money, and having health you can achieve happiness as you can continue living, for which similarly no life you can’t do anything. The material stays here on Earth and enjoyed by others, but your life, your heart and your soul just the person can enjoy and if you think that money is your happiness will be far wrong because it never reached.

It is for this that I think that despite the fact that money is important in our lives, and can help us get things and improve our quality of life will never be able to replace a number of important things that human beings develops and finds its meaning. So many people feel empty without illusions and goals, as they believe that money will resolve all the problems of his life and leave out many things. For this reason you have to enjoy every moment you have in your life, thank you for these healthy. And also thank you to live and enjoy and share with family and friends. Happiness can’t buy money. Enjoy life!