jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Architecture for Power

Architecture for Power

For me one of the most incredible places for its architecture is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Since I was a child, my attention has been called to get to know this place. Currently she turned 125 years to be created. The Eiffel Tower standing 300 meters high and the base is about 125 meters long. It was created in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel, it lasting two years to build and required the labor of 250 workers. It is built from wrought iron. 

This consists of 3 floors, and access it is through elevators or climbing stairs are approximately 1,665 steps. These painted three colors previously designed for the same and it painted every 7 years because they need about 60 tons of paint. It is hands painted and take about 18 months to complete. And it was the world’s largest for 41 years. In my opinion The Eiffel Tower is one of the most important buildings of modern architecture and engineering, and arguably the most important of all France.

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Changes in the world

E-Magazine: Changes in the world

To others the changes in the world we can cite many advances in various fields, from medicine, architecture, culture, food, technologies, and telecommunications, among others. But in my opinion one of the biggest changes that it has taken our planet is created by climate change. 
These climate changes are caused by man, by carelessness towards nature. Mankind has created great damage to the world through deforestation, emission vehicles, factories, etc. Also, by using chemicals or water pollution, among other forms.

 Great to technological developments have been helpful for studies of the Earth, from learning about the different earth layers, the composition of the atmosphere, volcanoes, lakes, etc. At the same time it has also been helpful in understanding and awareness about the importance of protecting the planet. It has also come to know about the consequences caused by environmental damage. Following on from the topic of environmental changes different questions arise such as: Who Performed this research? How was climate change created? Which many scientists using technological tools have tried answered.
For many years we have tried to learn about the damage to the Earth, which it has been developed using the time. Starts in 1890 where the scientist Samuel Pierpont Langley performed an analysis using technological tools and determines the effect of a doubling of carbon dioxide. Then in the Global Climate Conference of the 
World Meteorological Organization in 1979, they conclude which is the highest elevation of carbon dioxide. Already in 1985 the scientific Joe Farman, Brian Gardiner and Jon Shanklin G. in the Nature paper, who wrote about the hole in the ozone layer. It is from these studies that in 1987 several countries signed the Montreal Protocol to reduce the use of CFCs in a period of 10 years.

Climate change is the variation in temperature, and that generate high and low temperatures in various parts of the world. Also, they can create cloudiness, rainfall and drought. An important change that has happened in the world is the loss of large polar extensions in Antarctica and the Arctic. For this reason it has caused the loss or extinction of many animals including: polar bears, penguins, seals, etc.

Finally, it is important that people worldwide are aware of the problem and measures to prevent pollution in our communities. We need to change our actions and habits so that future generations can enjoy this world. In spite of these climatic changes have been studied and it has spread the information for many years, there are still people who believe that this is a myth or hoax, and ignore the environmental policies. But it is important to make everyone aware and improve their habits to help our planet.